Mar 11, 2024

Did you questioned the power of marketing...

Last Updated:- 11th March 2024

My wife showed me the following meme over breakfast. I enjoy the blog and the subjects we cover. I am also grateful for all the comments and emails. My blog views averaged record highs in 2023, and this year is a surprising WOW. Thank you all. I have no reason to complain. So why the notion to walk away from this blog? My wife and I received news about a healthy young mother having a sudden stroke. We saw what was coming in 2021/22 and said no, while many accepted everything without questions. I have a good feel for marketing and the power of repetition. I also studied various papers about mass formation (hypnosis) and how people are tricked into absurdity. The urge to walk away surges each time I see YouTube presenters repeating the same digital camera lines...

Paper straws or bags are part of an ongoing market survey. Why, many would say? How much does it take to survey large samples of the population? A short documentary is enough to highlight the plastic crisis in the ocean. Marketers know the population trusts their social media or TV talking heads when they accept absurdity. Self-appointed enforcers are also critical when measuring these surveys..?


MB said...

Hahahaha this one absolutely kills me for real. No seriously, besides making you feel better you get also charged for a profit for what used to be free and I tell you its tricky trying to grab that milk bottle with your teeth whilst twisting to free up a hand to extract your car keys that are always somehow in the opposite pocket

VideoPic said...

One can only smile at the irony of the absurdity. Our local bakery slapped a "Professional Photography Services" sign on their window. I was told the owner was an Olympus fanboy... I am working on a new article and thought the following line sums it up. "Modern marketing has become a window for what the world should be versus what customers want."

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